# View Render Event

# Introduction

The view_render_event() function in Krayin allows developers to inject content dynamically before or after the main content of a template. This functionality is useful for modifying template output without directly altering the template file itself, enhancing flexibility and maintainability in your application.

# Render View

To utilize the view_render_event() function effectively, follow these steps:

In this example admin.contacts.persons.create.header.before and admin.contacts.persons.create.header.after are custom event names that denote where content should be injected before and after the page-header section, respectively inside the packages/Webkul/Admin/src/Resources/views/contacts/persons/create.blade.php fie

# Listening to Events

To handle these events and inject content dynamically, you need to listen to them in your application’s event system (typically in the EventServiceProvider).

Open your EventServiceProvider.php file located in app/Providers or similar directory.

In the boot() method of your EventServiceProvider, add event listeners as follows:


namespace Webkul\Category\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;

class CategoryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register any events for your application.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        Event::listen('admin.contacts.persons.create.header.before', function($viewRenderEventManager) {

        Event::listen('admin.contacts.persons.create.header.after', function($viewRenderEventManager) {

Replace 'path/to/before_content_template.blade.php' and 'path/to/after_content_template.blade.php' with the actual paths to the Blade template files you want to inject.


Make sure that you have registered the EventServiceProvider in your own service provider.

# Implementation Details

  • $viewRenderEventManager->addTemplate(): This method adds the specified template file to the rendering queue for the corresponding event. When the event is triggered during template rendering, Krayin will include the specified template's content at the designated injection point.

  • Event Handling: Ensure that you properly handle the events within your application’s event flow. This involves registering listeners correctly in EventServiceProvider and ensuring that the templates being injected are structured and formatted according to your application's requirements.

# Considerations

  • Integration: Integrate this functionality carefully into your Krayin application to maintain coherence and readability of your codebase

  • Customization: Customize event names ('admin.contacts.persons.create.header.before', 'admin.contacts.persons.create.header.after') and template paths according to your specific application needs and structure.

By following these steps, you can effectively leverage the view_render_event() function in Krayin to dynamically inject content into template sections, enhancing flexibility and customization options within your application.