# Requirements

Before installing Krayin please make sure your server meets the following requirements,

# Server configuration

  • SERVER: Apache 2 or NGINX
  • RAM: 4GB or higher
  • Node: v16.16.0 (LTS) or higher
  • PHP: 8.1 or higher
  • Composer: 2.5 or higher

# PHP Extensions

Ensure the following extensions are installed and enabled. You can check using the phpinfo() page or the php -m command.

  • php-intl extension: This extension is required for internationalization support in Krayin.

  • php-gd extension: The php-gd extension must be properly installed to ensure correct image functionality in the project. If not installed correctly, image-related features may not work as expected.


    It is important to ensure proper installation of the php-gd extension to avoid any issues with image manipulation in Krayin.

# PHP Configuration

Open your php.ini file and modify the following settings.

  • memory_limit: Set the memory_limit directive to 4G or higher to ensure sufficient memory allocation for the application.

  • max_execution_time: Adjust the max_execution_time directive to 360 or higher. This value determines the maximum time (in seconds) a script is allowed to run. Increasing this value ensures that longer operations, such as import/export processes, can be completed successfully.

  • date.timezone: Set the date.timezone directive to your specific timezone. For example, Asia/Kolkata. This ensures that date and time-related functions work accurately based on the specified timezone.

memory_limit = 4G
max_execution_time = 360
date.timezone = Asia/Kolkata <- Change this to your own timezone.

Remember to restart your web server

Whenever you make changes to the PHP configuration file, be sure to restart Apache or NGINX to apply the modifications.

# Supported Database Servers

Krayin supports the following database servers:

  • MySQL: Version 8.0.32 or higher is recommended for optimal performance and compatibility.

  • MariaDB: Version 10.3 or higher is recommended for optimal performance and compatibility.

  • Database Collation: The recommended collation for the database is utf8mb4_unicode_ci, which ensures proper handling of Unicode characters and multilingual support.