# Access control list

In addition to providing authentication services out of the box, Krayin also provides a functionality ACL (Access Control List).

With this feature the administrator can allow/disallow other users to access parts of Krayin.

# Create a new ACL file

Create a new file named acl.php in your package Config folder, for example, packages/ACME/HelloWorld/src/Config and add the following code.


return [
        'key' => 'helloworld',
        'name' => 'HelloWorld',
        'route' => 'helloworld.admin.index',
        'sort' => 2

If you check the above code we have created an array for an individual's menu with the parameters (key, name, route & sort).

Just like that, we need to define the menu here which we want to include in our ACL.

# Merge configuration

After that, we need to merge the ACL config also just like we have done with menu items,


namespace ACME\HelloWorld\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

* HelloWorldServiceProvider
* @copyright 2021 Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd. (http://www.webkul.com)
class HelloWorldServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    * Register services.
    * @return void
    public function register()
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/admin-menu.php', 'menu.admin'

            dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/acl.php', 'acl'

After setting up, just run this command php artisan optimize to cached the latest changes.

Now check the latest ACL.