# Repository Pattern in Krayin

Krayin employs the Repository Pattern to further enhance the flexibility and maintainability of its codebase.

To add an additional layer of abstraction and promote better code organization, Krayin incorporates the Repository Pattern on top of the ORM.

# Benefits of the Repository Pattern

  • Consistency: Restricts the use of raw queries throughout the application, ensuring a consistent approach to database operations.
  • Maintainability: Enhances code organization, making it easier to manage and maintain.
  • Flexibility: Facilitates the implementation of changes without affecting the rest of the codebase.

# Implementation in Krayin

Krayin utilizes the Prettus Repository (opens new window) package to facilitate the implementation of the Repository Pattern. This choice provides several benefits:

  • Standardization: Ensures a standardized approach to repository implementation.
  • Extensibility: Makes it easier to extend and customize the application as needed.
  • Separation of Concerns: Promotes a clear separation between business logic and data access logic.

By adopting the Repository Pattern with the Prettus Repository package, Krayin enhances the overall architecture of the application, making it more robust and easier to evolve over time.

# Eloquent ORM

Eloquent (opens new window), the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) in Laravel, provides a higher level of abstraction and simplifies database interactions. With Eloquent, developers can focus on manipulating objects rather than dealing with raw SQL queries, making database operations more convenient and intuitive.